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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 33% | Distinguished Reading: 20% | Proficient Math: 32% | Distinguished Math: 11% |

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 34% | Middle 30% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 27% | Middle 25% | High 19%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 36% | Middle 35% | High 28%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 22% | Middle 17% | High 17%




What is PBIS?

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture and needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional and academic success.  It is sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Education's Office of Special Education Programs.  

Camp Ernst Middle School has customized the PBIS program to meet the needs of our students.  Students are encouraged to follow four basic behavior expectations: Safety, Tolerance, Accountability, and Respectfulness (STAR).  Students are instructed about what each of these expectations looks like in the different areas of the school.  They practice these expectations throughout the year and especially when returning from breaks.  

PBIS is designed to encourage positive behaviors by recognizing and rewarding students engaging in those behaviors.  PBIS also encourages teachers, parents and administrators to be proactive by anticipating and addressing problem behaviors before they occur.  This is done by analyzing discipline data and monitoring frequent feedback from building staff.  

Familes and PBIS  

Families, parents and guardians can have a great impact on the success of PBIS. Research indicates that when families are meaningfully involved in educational activities their children do better in school and with social development. The presence of parents in schools not only provides additional academic support but also creates community and cultural connections.
We encourage parents and caregivers to support the PBIS process through modeling positive social interactions and talking with your child about the expectations and importance of: Be Safe, Be Tolerant, Be Accountable, and Be Respectful. If you would like additional information or seek support please contact a member of the PBIS committee.

To refer your child for additional behavior supports, click here.  


Rebecca Burton- Asst. Principal


Stacey Russell- Counselor


Angela Paxton

Parent Rep

Kristen Franks – UA Teacher


Francine Kemper - Counselor


Justin Buckler- 8th Grade Teacher

Record Keeper

Brandon Griffith- Special Education Teacher

Data Specialist

Madison Scholenbachler – UA Teacher

Team Member

Scott King- 6th Grade Teacher

Team Member

Racquelle Couch - Family Resource Coordinator

Cheryl Herzog – 6th Grade Teacher

Trina Barnes - Nurse

Team Member

Team Member

Team Member


Additional Tier 2 Team Members

Pam Dickerson- North Key Service Provider

Brandi Bucher- School Psychologist