Archery Interest Form for 2022-23 School Year
Team Coaches
- Gail Lanham (Head Coach)
- Follow us on Facebook @cemsarchery
- KHSAA Middle School Sports Physical
Archery Description
The CEMS Archery Team was developed to provide an engaging experience to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to explore the sport of archery. This will be the 5th year to have archery at Camp Ernst Middle School and we are excited to see this sport grow as quickly as it has over the last few years. We use the National Archery in School program to teach/coach students in the sport. We hope to continue and build NASP in the Boone County Schools.
Throughout the year, students will learn archery from Basic Archery Instructors. Archers will learn proper terminology and the fundamentals to safely and effectively shoot a Genesis Original Bow and Easton Arrows. Those wishing to be on team will compete throughout the school year. Archery is a yearlong sport, so it takes lots of commitment to be a member of the archery team.
Who can participate?
Any CEMS Student in grades 6-7-8 can participate in archery. However to try out for team, those wishing to try out must have prior experience shooting bows (in gym class, archery clubs, archery teams or attended lessons from local archery ranges). If anyone on the range is seen not following basic archery range rules, they will be excused from the archery program.
How long is the season? When are practices?
We begin in September and normally our last practice/tournament is the 2nd week of May. Practices will be 2-3 days per week (archers must attend 2) and normally we attend 2-3 tournaments per month. Most tournaments are local and we attend those on Saturdays, but occasionally we will attend Friday evenings.
What does an archery need?
Bows and arrows are supplied for students wishing to participate in archery. Archers can have their own bows but they must be Genesis Original Bows. If they don’t have one, we have many bows for archers to use. It is recommended even if your archer makes team and doesn’t have a bow, do no purchase one. Wait till end of season to make sure this is what your archery wishes to continue. Bows and cases run from $185-220 or more.
How many can be on team? What if my child is not ready for team?
At this point we normally take all archers that are ready….however if we feel students need a little extra help, we will possibly offer a club. Club will only exist if needed. The maximum number of archers for Team will be 40.
How much does it cost to be on the archery team?
- Team Fee is $30 per archer.
- If they play multiple sports, you will only pay one fee. That fee will be paid to the first sport started at CEMS.
- Team Jersey
- Team Jersey will cost $30-40.
- Tournaments
- The team will attend approximately 18-20 tournaments throughout the season. This is around $120-135 for the year.
- We will attend Regional (local), State (Louisville) and National (Louisville).
- Each archer will be responsible to pay for all normal tournaments which run $6-7.
- State is $25 and National is $35…however we do host tournaments that funds made will normally pay for these two tournaments.
How can my child prepare for archery prior to try-outs?
- Center Shot Archery in Latonia is a range that we highly recommend. Sandy is the instructor and she is a great archer/teacher. Please contact them for hours and pricing.
Archery Volunteers?
Each year we will host one to two archery tournaments here at CEMS. The funds raised will help purchase additional equipment and maintain what we already have. If funds allow, we will use to pay for State and Nationals if attended. All parents with Archery Team members will need to volunteer to help at our tournaments. It takes a large number of adults to ensure a successful tournaments, so lots of help will be needed.
- Parents are responsible for transportation to and from all tournaments.
- All archers trying out for team must have a current KHSAA Middle School Sports Physical on the day of tryouts.
- Please make copies. Any archer wishing to try out must have this turned day of tryout. Physicals will not be accepted early unless coach decides differently.
- Grades will be monitored and anyone with more than 2 Incompletes will not be eligible for practices or tournaments.
- Students in archery will follow the CEMS Athletic Handbook, Boone County Handbook and follow school rules.
- It’s important that any student who decides to play a sport understand that it’s a privilege to be a member of a sports team. They are expected to follow all rules/guidelines and failure to do so could result in being dismissed from the team.
What are expectation for archers?
Team members are expected to:
- Will treat officials, coaches and others with dignity and respect.
- Treat all teammates with acceptance, respect and friendship.
- Provide maximum effort in practice and tournaments.
- Attend all practices, team meetings and tournaments.
What are the expectations for parents?
- Attend mandatory parent meetings before archery and one team selected.
- Volunteer at CEMS hosted tournaments.
- Accompany archers to tournaments and transport them to practices/tournaments.
- Parent will respect the coach and decisions made that effect the team as a whole.
If you have any questions, please contact me at I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.